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In-Home Intensives:
Therapists know it can be hard for some people to get to an office for an appointment. Illness, disability, personal crisis, transportation issues, or childcare are all reasons a person might not be able to get to therapy. Home-based therapy can address many of these obstacles.
When treatment is provided at home, the therapeutic relationship may develop more quickly. This is because people in therapy can be more relaxed in their own homes than in an office. Instead of relying on self-reporting, therapists may get deeper insights from seeing how and where people live. As a result, effective treatment can progress, and healing may happen more easily.
People who are homebound can benefit from different forms of distance therapy. However, they may also prefer face-to-face interaction. Since they are never seen at a therapist’s office, people who choose home-based therapy ensure that their privacy is protected. Home-based therapy makes mental health services more accessible to a wider range of people.
If you live within 25 miles of Lewisville, I can come to your home for no extra charge.
If you ever wanted to visit Texas, I can help you with accommodations to attend an intensive in my area. We can discuss other options available.